1·The British land art, typified by Long's piece, was not only more domestically scaled, but a lot quirkier than its American counterpart.
2·An American counterpart was the League to Enforce peace, organized in June 1915.
3·Canada has less a banking system, which is not as much a risk taker as its American counterpart.
4·Emerging markets, which have outperformed their American counterpart, are being deluged with fresh money.
5·In fact, according to a BBC report, the average Chinese reads less than half as much as his American counterpart.
6·So China's interests groups may learn from its American counterpart. For example, China can make laws about interests groups at suitable time.
7·A chief executive in Japan typically earns 11 times as much as one of his average workers; his typical American counterpart earns 170 times as much.
8·By contrast, his American counterpart, Lieutenant McCarthy, tall and trim at 24 with a smooth-shaven Burt Lancasterchin, was on his first deployment.
9·In Australia, gasoline prices have retreated, although falls have been limited because of the weakness of the Australian dollar against its American counterpart.
在澳大利亚,汽油价格也出现下降。 不过,由于澳元兑美元走软,所以澳大利亚汽油降价幅度有限。
10·With rates in America at rock bottom, and the Singapore dollar set to strengthen against its American counterpart, interest rates in Singapore are extraordinarily low.